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Enquiries & Reservation


2166 1159


2885 0533


2885 0968


2831 8856


Terms & Conditions For Sensu x KUMAMON Themed Café

(1) 活動期由2023年7月4日至2023年8月31日(包括首尾兩天)。This Campaign is offered by The Food Story from 3 July 2023 to 31 August 2023 (both days inclusive)(“Campaign Period”).

(2) 凡惠顧此餐牌即可免費獲贈限量版 Sensu x KUMAMON襟章乙個, 襟章款式屬分店限定。數量有限,送完即止。Complimentary ONE limited edition of Sensu x KUMAMON metal badge will be entitled upon dine-in on this menu, selected metal badge will be available at selected branch only. Premium is available on a first-come-first-serve basis and while stocks lasts.

(3) 每枱最多只能獲取限量襟章乙個,分枱並不適用。Each table is eligible for one metal badge, splitting table is not allowed.

(4) 凡惠顧此餐牌即可加購Sensu x KUMAMON 獨家精品。Limited edition of Sensu x KUMAMON Merchandise Products are only available upon dine-in on this menu.

(5) 此餐牌只適用於堂食及指定分店,每日限量供應,售完即止。This menu is available for dine-in and selected branches only. Daily limited quota apply, first come first served.

(6) 食物或會因應季節變化及供應而改變。All items are subject to change due to seasonality and availability.

(7) 所有折扣及優惠均不適用於此餐牌及獨家精品。All promotions and coupons are not applicable to this menu and merchandise products.

(8) 若有任何食物過敏和特殊的飲食要求,歡迎與我們聯絡。Please inform us of any food allergies or dietary requirements prior to ordering.

(9) 須按原價收取加一服務費。All prices are subject to 10% service charge based on original prices.

(10) 圖片只供參考。Photos are for reference only.

(11) The Food Story保留修改本條款及細則而不作另行通知。The Food Story reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of this certificate without notice.

(12) 如有任何爭議,The Food Story保留最終決定權。The Food Story reserves the right of final decisions in case of any dispute.


Terms & Conditions For KUMAMON Fans Meet & Greet

(1) 此活動只適用於指定分店、日子及時段,名額有限,售完即止。This event is available for specified outlets, dates and time-slot only. Limited quota apply, first come first served.


(2) 此活動只適用於堂食。This event is available for dine-in only.


(3) 凡惠顧此活動即可免費獲贈 Sensu x KUMAMON 精美紀念品一份。Complimentary ONE limited edition of Sensu x KUMAMON souvenirs will be entitled upon spending on this event.


(4) 食物或會因應季節變化及供應而改變。All items are subject to change due to seasonality and availability.


(5) 此活動只供應單點及KUMAMON造型限定餐牌。This event offers A La Carte and Kumamon Special Menu only.


(6) 所有現金券、折扣及優惠均不適用於此活動。All cash vouchers, promotions and coupons are not applicable to this event.


(7) 若有任何食物過敏和特殊的飲食要求,歡迎與我們聯絡。Please inform us of any food allergies or dietary requirements prior to ordering.


(8) 須按原價收取加一服務費。All prices are subject to 10% service charge based on original prices.


(9) 圖片只供參考。Photos are for reference only.


(10) 在任何情況下,均不得取消、更改、轉讓、替代或兌換現金及其他商品或優惠。No refund, cancellation, rescheduling and exchange will be allowed.


(11) 有效期過後,此憑證將無法使用,恕不退款或延期。Once expired, the coupon will no longer be usable and will not be refunded or extended in any circumstances.


(12) 入座前須出示此電子憑證。This e-coupon must be presented before seat-in.


(13) 此憑證一經使用,即時銷毀。在任何情況下不可再次使用。This e-coupon will be invalid after usage and will not be given back under any circumstances.


(14) The Food Story 保留修改本條款及細則而不作另行通知。The Food Story reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of this certificate without notice.

(15) 如有任何爭議,The Food Story 保留最終決定權。The Food Story reserves the right of final decisions in case of any dispute.

KUMAMON 餐飲券條款及細則

Terms & Conditions For KUMAMON Dining Credits

(1) 此優惠券只適用於指定分店、日子及時段。有效期過後,此優惠券將無法使用,恕不退款或延期。The coupon can be used at specified outlets, dates and time-slot only. Once expired, the coupon will no longer be usable and will not be refunded or extended in any circumstances.

(2) 此優惠券只適用於堂食使用。The coupon can be used for dine-in only.

(3) 憑消費方可使用此優惠券。The coupon can be used upon any spending at the restaurant.

(4) 所有現金券、折扣及優惠均不適用於此活動。All cash vouchers, promotions and coupons are not applicable to this event.

(5) 在任何情況下,均不得取消、更改、轉讓、替代或兌換現金及其他商品或優惠。No refund, cancellation, rescheduling and exchange will be allowed.

(6) 請於付款前出示此電子優惠券,結帳後出示恕不受理。Please present the e-voucher before settling payment, redemption after settling the bill will not be allowed.

(7) 此優惠券一經使用,即時銷毀。在任何情況下不可再次使用。The coupon will be invalid after usage and will not be given back under any circumstances.

(8) 優惠須收取加一服務費,並按原價計算。All prices are subject to 10% service charge based on original prices.

(9) 此券不可與其他優惠同時使用,亦不可兌換現金、不可更換、不可退換或作現金找續。The coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers. It is non-exchangeable, non-refundable and cannot be redeemed for cash.

(10) 圖片只供參考。Photos are for references only.

(11) 如有任何爭議,餐廳保留此優惠券之最終決定權。In case of any disputes, the restaurant reserves the right of the final decision on the use of this voucher.



訂閱以獲取餐廳最新資訊及優惠! 如欲申請成為FOODIE會員,請按此

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Unit 01B, 10/F, Lippo Sun Plaza, 28 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

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