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粵藝饌賞 條款及細則 Terms and conditions of Rewards Dining Fiesta

1. 由 The Food Story 旗下粵藝館舉辦的活動(「推廣」)之推廣期為 2024年 8 月 15 日至 9 月 15 日(包括首尾兩天)(「推廣期」)。

This “Rewards Dining Fiesta “ reward program (“Promotion”) is offered by Art of Canton of The Food Story from 15 August to 15 September 2024 (both days inclusive)(“Promotion Period”).


2. 於單一賬單合資格消費金額為於推廣期內於粵藝館堂食,扣除所有透過以 The Food Story 電子或實體禮券、優惠及其他代金券與積分方 式付款之金額後的淨支出額總和(“合資格消費金額”)。

The total net spending amount after deduction of all payments by means of electronic / physical gift vouchers, offers and other vouchers and credits at Art of Canton within Promotion Period are considered as eligible spending in single bill that can be counted towards the Promotion(“Eligible Spending”).

3. 同日單一帳單消費每滿 HK$300 (10%服務費前) 可獲贈 HK$100 餐飲優惠券一張。
Every HK$300 (before 10% service charge) same-day spending on a single receipt to redeem ONE unit of HK$100 dining coupon.

4. 最多可獲贈 HK$100 餐飲優惠券 10張,以枱號為結賬單位,不能分單。

A maximum of TEN unit of HK$100 dining coupon can be redeemed, based on the table number, split bill is not allowed.

5. 須於消費當日於結帳時換領獎賞,過後恕不受理。The reward coupons have to be redeemed upon settlement of payment on the spending date. No retrospective arrangement can be made.

有關 HK$100 餐飲優惠券之一般條款及細則 Terms and Conditions regarding the HK$100 Dining Coupon

1. 此優惠券於 2024 年 9 月 30 日或以前有效 。有效期過後,此優惠券將無法使用,恕不退款或延期。
The coupon can be used on or before 30 September 2024. Once expired, the coupon will no longer be usable and will not be refunded or extended in any circumstances.

2. 此優惠券只適用於粵藝館堂食使用。
The coupon can only be used for dine-in at Art of Canton.

3. 憑 HK$400 消費 (加一服務費前) 方可使用此優惠券一張。
One coupon can be used upon HK$400 spending, before 10% service charge, at the restaurant.

4. 每張賬單最多可使用 3 張優惠券 ,包括所有會員換領券,不可分單使用。
Maximum 3 coupons and coupons can be used in one bill, including The Food Story members redemption coupon. Splitting bills are not allowed.

5. 此優惠券並不適用於指定日期:
The coupon is not applicable on specific blackout dates:

6. 在任何情況下,均不得取消、更改、轉讓、替代或兌換現金及其他商品或優惠。
No refund, cancellation, rescheduling and exchange will be allowed.

7. 請於付款前出示此 優惠券,結帳後出示恕不受理。
Please present the coupon before settling payment, redemption after settling the bill will not be allowed.

8. 此優惠券一經使用,即時銷毀。在任何情況下不可再次使用。
The coupon will be invalid after usage and will not be given back under any circumstances.

9. 優惠須收取加一服務費,並按原價計算。
All prices are subject to 10% service charge based on original prices.

10. 此券只適用於正價 餐牌,不適用任何時令及零售產品。
This coupon is applicable on original-priced items only, not applicable on seasonal menu or retail products.

11. 此券不可與其他優惠於同 一賬單內同時使用,亦不可兌換現金 、不可更換、不可退換或作現金找續。
The coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers within a single transaction. it is non-exchangeable, non-refundable and cannot be redeemed for cash.

12. 圖片只供參考。
Photos are for references only.

13. 如有任何爭議 ,餐慶保留此優惠券 之最終決定權 。
In case of any disputes, the restaurant reserves the right of the final decision on the use of this coupon.

一般條款及細則 General

1. The Food Story 保留隨時暫停、更改或終止本推廣及不時修改本推廣之條款及細則之權利。The Food Story 對本推廣之所有事宜均有最終決定權。 如有任何爭議,The Food Story 保留最終決定權。

The Food Story reserves the right to suspend, revise or terminate the Promotion at any time and to amend the Terms and Conditions from time to time. In case of any disputes, the decision of The Food Story shall be final.


2. 除另有指明,本推廣不可與其他優惠同時享用。

The Promotion cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion and offer unless otherwise specified.


3. 本條款及細則之中、英文文本有任何歧異,概以英文文本為準。

The English version of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail in the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions.


訂閱以獲取餐廳最新資訊及優惠! 如欲申請成為FOODIE會員,請按此

Thanks for subscribing!



Unit 01B, 10/F, Lippo Sun Plaza, 28 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

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