換領細則 Terms of Redemption
優惠期至2023年4月14日。The offer is valid till 14 April 2023.
顧客必已經為/即時申請為The Food Story會員方可換領獎賞。The customer has to be or instantly register to be The Food Story member to be eligible for redeeming the coupon(s).
同日單一帳單消費每滿HK$500 (10%服務費後) 可換領HK$100餐飲優惠券一張。
Every HK$500 (after 10% service charge) same-day spending on a single receipt to redeem one unit of HK$100 dining coupon. -
Each member can only redeem a maximum of HK$1,000 dining coupon in same restaurant on the same day, each party has to settle the bill together, split bill is not allowed. -
每位會員須於消費當日於結帳時換領獎賞,過後恕不受理。Each member must redeem the reward coupons upon settlement of payment on the spending date. No retrospective arrangement can be made.
優惠券使用細則 Coupon Terms of Usage
The coupon can be used on or before 30 April 2023. Upon expiry, the coupon will no longer be usable. -
One coupon can be used upon HK$300 spending (before 10% service charge) at any restaurant of The Food Story. -
The coupon is not applicable on dates(https://www.thefoodstoryhk.com/dates). -
Please provide member information and present this coupon before settlement of payment. No retrospective arrangement can be made. -
The coupon must bear an official stamp of the restaurant in order to be valid. -
This coupon is invalid if found defaced or damaged. Photocopies and digital copy of this coupon are not accepted. -
The coupon(s) can only be used for single purchase by each customer in the same restaurant on the same day. -
於同一發票上每次只可使用5張優惠券(包括所有會員換領券/會員優惠券,支付平台優惠券及商場優惠券等)。A maximum of 5 coupons (including The Food Story members redemption coupon, members discount coupon, discount coupons from payment platform or malls) can be used on one transaction and split bill is not allowed.
此優惠券(The Food Story 晚市狂歡全城慶典)於同一發票上每次只可使用五張,且不能分單使用。A maximum of five coupons (The Food Story Dine Night Out Celebration) can be used on one transaction and split bill is not allowed.
優惠不可與任何會籍組別的折扣同時使用。The offer cannot be used in conjunction with any discount associated with any membership tier.
This coupon can only be used once and the coupon will be surrendered at redemption and will not give back under any condition. -
The coupon cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers, discounts are applied based on original prices. It is non-exchangeable, non-refundable and cannot redeem for cash. -
All prices are subject to 10% service charge and based on original prices. -
The coupon holder shall be solely responsible for all liabilities for the loss, theft, damage, and misuse of any issued coupon. -
Restaurant reserves the right of final decisions in case of any dispute.